Sunday, February 6, 2011

Book summary: If You Want to be Rich and Happy

EDIT for the previous post, because I'm lazy:
-- I failed my first ever test in RJ (RA or Raffles Academy Placement Test, which caters to the sciences and math) and so my self esteem has been lowered to its original rightful place, and tells me that i should bloody well work my arse off and not rest on my laurels (whatever laurels are).
-- Hence, this year's New Year Resolution is to WORK HARDER.


Okay, i'll just start off with my personal grouches.
Firstly, the book was probably written in around 1980-90, but the book says first published in 2010. Hence i can't decide if the book is obselete or not. But that doesn't really matter, because it did give me several useful pointers.
Secondly, the book is geared towards Americans: Written by a American-Japanese (Robert T. Kyosaki, apparently a giant of the business world), for Americans.
Thirdly, the book's title and its contents simply don't match up. What's inside is mainly how crappy the American educational system is, lots of anecdotes, and how to solve it(not the main portion, though). Hence after seeing the title you would expect the HOW on moneymaking methods, and maybe a little on the spiritual side on how to be happy with that money, and what to do with it (e.g. charity work.) This book does not, in my humble opinion, address the HOW issue adequately enough.

Okay. So, i now present to you the Uber Short Summarised Version of The Summary in Point Form. Please be warned that i summarised them for myself, and hence might not be applicable to everyone.

-Never stop learning; the knowledge acquired is true wealth. (活到老,学到老)
-Learn about business in general as well as the job you specialise in
-Don't lose heart when test results are bad because everyone has their own speciality and WORK HARDER
-Adapt and think creatively with the times
-Money is a tool that we should all know how to use effectively
-Memorisation does not equate knowledge
-Plan adequately, save and invest wisely
-Change mindsets and assumptions before changing a system
-Learn humility, not arrogance to become a true leader
-Know yourself through things and the people around you
-Be disciplined and don't give up

okay fine i get it it was a lame excuse don't throw throw those rotten eggs at me.. nuuu.. nooooooooooo]

>Being lazy as always I don't really feel like typing out the entire summary right now so it'll probably appear one week later if my dad doesn't lose it in Hainan Island. MUAHAHAHA.<

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