Sunday, July 10, 2011

Oral ):

Well... I guess i was too tired to do anything else besides crashing on my mattress and sleeping last night. It was pure laziness on my part because i got CTs to wake me up and he did, but at that time i was just about to doze off. So i answered his call, crawled back to the bed, and accidentally slept from 9pm to 8am... Oops.

There's been nothing much interesting about life so far this week (but yet considerably more exciting than last year) apart from me being dragged into some exchange program by my Chinese teacher with some Taiwanese students from oops-i-forgot-high-school. Before that...

I noticed that my verage number of blog posts is 8. This is quite amazing because i never intended to write 8 blog posts each month.. Just when something more bloggable comes along. Oh, well. This month appears to break the trend with one-third of the month gone already and this being only the second blog post. But who cares, right? Life isn't only about statistics... I hope.

So. About the Taiwanese students. Each of us were charged with a buddy of the same sex. Between me and my buddy (he has an English name- Kevin. Just like the rest of the students. Which left me quite... astonished. O_O) things were quite awkward from start to finish, i regret to say. This is mostly because of my inherent shyness to people i've met for the first time. I tend to warm up to one person only first (normally a guy because of 4 years in a guys-only school, sadly), then stick with the person for a period of time, getting to know the others, form a clique, and finally become slightly more natural. As my friends would have observed. Another main factor was that my chinese was (and still is) quite lousy and not up-to-standard.. So a few lines of mumbled Chinese would have gotten me a puzzled look from the both of them (because another classmate of mine was assigned a girl )and then more awkward silences. So that's how i spent most of my week. The more interesting part was when we were playing billiards and bowling yesterday (the classmate didn't come; she was waiting for me to rush over from Chorale practice to take over so she could go for HER CCA). This incidentally left me wondering about Chinese A-LEVEL ORAL OMGGGGG which is tomorrow. I was wondering just what i was doing playing my day away when i was supposed to revise for oral, but i guess omforting myself that i was spending the day in fact practicing oratical skills. Which of course is false, condering that i couldn't even speak a proper sentence most of the time. So back to the billiards and bowling. After i forcibly chucked my pool cue to the female Taiwanese student (Kai Xuan- the guy is Xiao Xuan and no they're not siblings) and went to the bowling counter to check the waiting list (it was quite long) i found them playing quite happily. Xiao Xuan was photo-stalking her while she hit funny shots, making the cue ball jump (accidentally), and in general not hitting what she wanted to hit. It was fun watching them play around... I was thinking to myself: SO CUTE...!!! while watching them and laughing to myself.

For bowling. It turned out that both of them were quite skilled, but the thing is i don't know how they managed to bowl straight (sometimes) with such poor technique. Xiao Xuan just chucked the ball (don't know how to describe) and it miraculously scored a strike. I don't know how that happened. Kai Xuan walked daintily up to the lane and set the ball free, rolling very slowly towards the pins. On a straight course that scores 9 pins each time. When she was bowling straight, that is... Meanwhile i was attempting to mitate the normal technique but failed as my legs refused to move like what they should. So our eventual score was 56 (the guy), 52 (the girl) and 55 (me). Equally bad, to say in the least..

I also offered to pay for the billiards and they grudgingly accepted, but when it came to bowling they pused their money over before i could take out my wallet. Me: Them -- 1:1. Then after dinner Kai Xuan returned me $10 for the billiards, forcibly. So i had no choice but to accept... Me: Them-- 1:2. Oh, well... 

So after this wonderfully long blog post (relative to my need to cut t short so i have more time to do other stuff while i still feel awake), i shall need to do something about oral. And newspapers. And homework. And so on, and so forth...

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