Friday, June 17, 2011

Carebears Outing :D?

First off, I just read about an arcticle online:
I found it mildly amusing that a German TV show actually bothers to investigate, like so, into Singapore. If you'd look at the comments, some people actually flow into a temper and feel that Germany, or at least the German TV hosts on the show are insulting Singapore. Others are more jaded and claim that the TV hosts have hit the nail on the head- and that Singapore should know that there is something wrong with what is happening and the Government should do something to at least attempt to solve the problem. But I think such TV shows are to be taken with a pinch of salt. Their main purpose is to entertain, after all, and even though I think some issues stated in the article do exist they have been greatly exaggarated in order to sell to the public, creating a false misconception with some would-be tourists. The claim that someone stopped the correspondent from entering a building without first checking his temperature might be during the SARS period., for example.

Secondly, I am really sleepy now. Perhaps it's just my natural behavious\r, or I'm actually very tired after the Singaprre. Typing this post hallf awake is not really a good thing i guuess. Alright, kthxbai.
Thirdly, I have fnd...

Ine,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Inner Peace. (commas are cos i was sleeping)

Too many things distracting me, for example, my sleepiness now. And admin stuff, etc. Today, the 'tutee' whom SL tutors along with me didn't come, and the thing that i was in charge of was removed due to a lack of time. Oh, well. In other words, I have just successfully spent my morning (till 4+ in the afternoon) wasting quite alot of time. It was fun, but the guilt... oh, the guilt. Soz. I shall nap for a little while now first. Goodnight, world...

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