Sunday, June 26, 2011

Current Views On Studying

So, the econs Common Test is just tommorow, i have alot to study for and yet i'm still sitting here... i wonder why.

Even if i do study for one entire week straight, and then cry my heart out and get frustrated at my inability to do certain questions for whichever subject, and get dejected, and then when the exams are finally over, celebrate with friends, before returning home to enjoy my much-needed sleep... What is there waiting for me, but yet more homework? PW, assignments, playing catch-up to virtually everything... all in preperation for the final A'levels.

The nightmare has only just begun.

C'est la vie.

Such is life...

A Whimsical View on Cirriculums

This person, being a student in a certain Junior College located in Singapore, has been made to sit through lectures. The lesson schematics are completely different from that in secondary school, which this person has been used to, as this person is normally not as tired in secondary school and can simply sit down, copy notes, and comprehend. However, this person has somehow become very sleepy during lessons, especially during lectures, where the droning of certain teachers are enough to act as a sedative and knock this person out for several seconds at a time. This person is aware that normal people call this 'drowsing' but this person feels that in order to blend in with the general tone of composition, the tone adapted as above is more fitting. This person hence proposes that students be allowed to buy Starbucks coffee from an outlet during breaktime, or get Starbucks to design a vending machine that dispenses coffee of the students' choice at subsidised prices in order to prevent inattentiveness. Also, another method that this person feels will be effective is to convert lecture halls into halls without seats, or at least hidden seats. This person feels that by making it mandatory for students to stand up and listen to the lecturer, and copying whatever they feel they need to copy, the level of comprehension will be higher. If need be, this person feels that rows in the lecture halls can be designed to have a step that when flipped open exposes seats to allow people to seat down for purposes other than lectures. This person thanks the reader for reading, and will now attempt to get back to work.
Thank you.

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