Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Life in a nutshell

Okay. At this point in time I really shouldn't be doing this but argh.
So, life. I think that we generally follow either of two pathways (impossible to reconcile) - either keep running on the hedonistic treadmill, or giving everything up and being a monk or nun or something like that.

I came up with another analogy for this.

We are all little kids carrying plastic baubles/balls. Each represents something dear to us. Say, friends; family; wealth; etc. As we run along the path of life, invariably more attractive things come along the way that we try to pick up and carry along as well. So we bend down, stoop and pick them up. But eventually, there comes a point in time where if we are not cautious enough, all the balls may scatter everywhere. Then we pick up the balls one by one and continue doing what we've done.
Choosing to let go of all the balls, then, is like choosing to give up a hedonistic lifestyle - no more burdens. Yet most of us choose not to do so, because the thought of losing everything is exceptionally painful.

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